
I am involved with research activities since 1999, and exclusively on honey bees since 2003.
As non-permanent researcher for CREA, I have collaborated with the Research Unit in Apicolture for the honey bee race characterization within BABE European project, and later about pathogen and viruses detection and quantification within the National monitoring projects APENET and BEENET.
I regularly attend the European Beekeeping Conference EURBEE and I actively take part within the international research groups COLOSS (on Colony LOSSes) and RNSBB (Research Network for Sustainable Bee Breeding).

Ongoing research

  • H2020
  • EurBeST
  • CREA


BeeSources directly partners in the winning Consortium of H2020-SFS-2018-2 call. Kick-off is expected mid 2019


Selected in the “Expert Team” that will help the core group of researchers to carry out the EU Pilot Project “EurBeST” on RESTRUCTURING OF THE HONEY BEE CHAIN AND VARROA RESISTANCE BREEDING & SELECTION PROGRAMME


Long-time member of the COLOSS (COlony LOSSes) association, I have recently elected as member of the Executive Committee 2016-2019. My effort will target the growth of the association at a global scale, improving science extension to beekeepers and the sustainable coexistence between beekeeping and agriculture. I actively participate to the monitoring of colony losses, and Varroa destructor related Task Forces (control methods and survivors populations).


I take part to RNSBB (Research Network for Sustainable Bee Breeding) since it was founded in 2004. Recently the group merged into COLOSS network, since common goals are chased. I am actually writing with colleague a popular version of BEEBOOK, to be translated in different languages: my contribution will be about Apis mellifera conservation effort across Europe.


My ongoing researches at CREA are related to Varroa destructor reproductive biology and on breeding for resistance to pathogens and pests. I perform field test, laboratory assays and data analyses. Those activities are funded through Regional Program CE 1234/2007 and 1308/2014.